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Derby Day at Treleaven (May 4th with live music from 1pm-4pm)

It's not called "the most exciting two minutes in sports" for no reason...
What better way to welcome May than with a Derby party! Join us on Saturday, May 4 for Derby Day in the Hangtime! We will have the race on! Wear your best derby attire (hello big hats!) to be entered into our "best dressed" contest.
Enjoy live music by Jess Novak beginning at 1pm. The kitchen will be serving up some delicious "derby" dishes and we'll have specialty wine cocktails to keep you hydrated.
Come dance to Thriller and The Monster Mash.
Crawl on over to our Halloween Boo Bash.
Ghosts and witches and monsters too.
They're all invited and so are you!
Join us for a smashing good time at our Hangtime Halloween Party! Enjoy plenty of wine, beer, festive music and delicious food from Simply Cookie's Kitchen. We will have the heaters going and walls down to keep you nice and cozy. Prizes awarded for best costumes. Come on out for what promises to be a spooktacular evening!
*Free Admission
*No outside food or alcohol permitted

*Please bring your own pencil or pen to write your answers down. Reservations are strongly encouraged to ensure your team a table - Give us a call at 315-364-5100!

Grab some friends and join us for our summer-long trivia league every Wednesday night in The Hangtime! Trivia begins promptly at 6:30. Fuel your brains with tasty eats from Simply Cookie and enjoy your favorite glass of Treleaven wine or pint of local craft beer.

It doesn’t cost you a dime to register your team or to just swing by for one night of competition.

Along with the weekly prizes for the top teams, register your team for a chance to win a grand prize valued over $100 at the end of the season!

Each trivia night has two rounds, ten questions each round and each question is worth 1 point.

Max of 8 players per team.

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